

Successfully Surviving Social Distancing

There are many ways to reduce the transmission of COVID—also known as flattening the curve—but none as effective as social distancing. Unless you’ve been exposed to coronavirus and are in isolation, social distancing is simply taking a break from regular activities that take you out of the home. This includes work, school, shopping, sports, concerts, gym, etc. Social distancing limits contact with other people who may carry the virus or be vulnerable to it. This approach can be lifesaving!


Since this coronavirus is new and information evolving, federal, state and municipal agencies in conjunction with healthcare providers like Intermountain Health, are working together to prevent, diagnose and treat COVID. That also means that today’s two week social distancing recommendation may be changed as we learn more.

In the meantime, restricting normal activities can be a huge challenge especially if children are involved. That’s why we’ve prepared a list of activities that don’t rely on leaving the home or being in large groups. You may just discover something new in the world and learn more about yourself in the process.

The following list includes both free and fee-based virtual options. Please be sure to read details for each. We have taken care to curate this list and is providing the information as a resource. We can neither endorse nor assume responsibility for use of any site listed below.


Virtual Vegas

If you’re like most locals, traipsing to the Strip is hardly appealing after a long day. That’s why the options below provide a peek into intriguing options in your own backyard.


Virtual Arts & Sciences


Virtual Worship

From the Vatican to many of Southern Nevada’s temples and churches, there’s something for everyone online.


Social Media Groups

Many Facebook groups have live and virtual get-togethers including:

  • Herbal Medics Mojave – a community empowerment group that teaches general and technical survival skills and botanical medicine around Nevada’s native ecology.
  • The Cook’s Cook Community Forum – Find global culinary friends, learn techniques and recipes without ads, then schedule shared cooking experiences no matter where in the world you are.
  • Las Vegas Writer’s Lounge – Don’t say you don’t have time to learn or perfect your craft and thus your novel now with the great guidance you’ll get from online involvement here.


Virtual Travel and Reality: No passport needed!


Virtual Wellness

If you don’t have the benefit of a Peloton or personal chef, you can still find community with others thanks to these apps.:


Virtual Education

Now’s the perfect time to get that Ivy League education or mechanic certification you’ve longed for but couldn’t because of time, money and distance.


Virtual Field Trips: No permission slips required!

Part of being well is being heard.